The nation's current food stream is tainted, toxic and damaging to the planet. It is simply not sustainable. Educating our fellow humans, while offering safe and healthy nourishment, will help get the message out.
Being strapped to an office desk is not only unhealthy physically, but it weighs on mental and spiritual health.
The daily 9 - 5 grind (which in reality was 7 - 7) just wasn't cutting it. There had to be more.
Umass Stockbridge School of Agriculture, Sustainable Food & Farming
Four (4) years of trial and more than a little error. Learning the things you would never have imagined you needed to know. Big thanks to Dale who had the good sense to "dip our toes"!
Locating one of the best Market Farmers in the Northeast and learning how to replicate the business he and his wife are running in upstate New York. Thank you Connor!
So many like minded people with amazing intellect, thoughtful perspective and information to share! Unbelievable support for our mission.
Needing a larger facility so quickly, where would we ever find one? Lightning strikes twice!
More focused, energized and excited than ever! Busy doesn't begin to describe our current state, but happy sure does.
We are here for you. Please don't hesitate to give us your feedback and thoughts. We are not working for A's, we are working for A+'s.
140 Causeway Street, Millis, Massachusetts 02054, United States
Checkout our "Market Locations" page, place an online order for Free Home Delivery or give us a call to learn more!
The next availlable Delivery or Farm Pick-Up is Thursday, 2/20/25, or Friday, 2/21/25. You may still place an order now, with first available delivery or pick-up on Thursday 2/20/25 or Friday, 2/21/25. Please specify receipt date at check-out. Thank you for your patronage.